Episode 8 - The Curse of Fenric

Episode 8 - The Curse of Fenric

"It's a bit Michael Jackson 'Thriller'"

After seventeen centuries trapped in the shadow dimensions, Steven and Daniel are reunited with Bridget, only to discover that they are all themselves descendants of the original Vikings who carry THE CURSE OF FENRIC!

The last story of the original series of Doctor Who save one, this post-modern masterpiece is written by the creator of Ace, Ian Briggs, and showcases the best qualities of the show under the script editorship of Andrew Cartmel.

Displaying an at-times dizzying bricolage of influences, references, and philosophies, this is where Doctor Who can be seen to graduate with first-class honours in every relevant field.  It's such a shame that Season 26 was the last regular series of the programme until 2005, as it hints at a more mature direction very much in tune with the televisual landscape of the coming decade and beyond.

Our thanks again go to Alister Pearson for his kind permission for the use of his revised cover for the 2015 audiobook of the original 1990 Target novelisation of THE CURSE OF FENRIC, written by Ian Briggs (and highly recommended by Our Steven).

Intro theme by Our Colin (2017), and outro music "Wolves of Fenric" by Bridget, as Pizza Pocket (2017). 

If you enjoyed Bridget's music and would like to hear more, please check out her band Simone & Girlfunkle.

Special thanks again to Sarah Tout at Voice Box Media Training.

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Episode 7 - Day of the Daleks

Episode 7 - Day of the Daleks

"Two words, gentlemen: Hubba hubba"

Col, Daniel, and Steven are joined by Pete, a mysterious human from the 21st-century, to 'time-jump' back into the 20th century so as to discuss a high-ranking Classic Doctor Who episode; DAY OF THE DALEKS!

Another instance of Doctor Who being ahead of its time, this time-y wime-y plot by Louis Marks has since been cribbed by the likes of The Terminator and is inspired itself by the work of no less a sci-fi great than Ray Bradbury

Featuring the return of the Daleks for the first time in five years and the first time in colour, sweet dorks are encouraged to seek out the 2011 special edition of DAY OF THE DALEKS to appreciate the intent if not the budget of the original production (though the original remains a great deal of fun!).

Our thanks again go to Chris Achilleos for his kind permission for the use of his cover for the Target novelisation of DAY OF THE DALEKS, written by Terrance Dicks.

© all original music copyright New To Who 2016 and 2017

Special thanks to Sarah Tout at Voice Box Media Training for her patience and expertise.

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Episode 6 - Tomb of the Cybermen

Episode 6 - Tomb of the Cybermen

"I love testicle head!"

Materialising on a sand pit alien planet - this time in black and white - our heroic trio, Daniel, Col, and Steven, discover the ice tombs of Telos, now home to the hibernated Cybermen led by the terrifying Cyber Controller!

Perhaps the apotheosis of Doctor Who's "Base Under Siege" genre that was a staple of 1967's Season Five (aka the "Monster Season"), TOMB OF THE CYBERMEN - written by the creators of the Cybermen, Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis - is laden with atmosphere and an all-pervading sense of an impending menace. Not without its narrative and representation problems, it nonetheless remains a classic example of a story-telling blueprint from Doctor Who history that is still used to this day. 

Special thanks again to Alister Pearson for his kind permission for the use of his redone cover of Jeff Cummins' original for the Target novelisation of Tomb of the Cybermen, written by Gerry Davis.

© all original music copyright New To Who 2016 and 2017

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Episode 0 - An Unearthly Child

Episode 0 - An Unearthly Child

"Hello, Sweet Dorks!"

Daniel, Colin and Steven nervously introduce themselves and their hare-brained idea for an intro cast to classic Doctor Who, designed for 'New Who' fans. But now that all the preparations made over pub lunches are over and they have finally hit record, can they deliver?

What better way to start this great spirit of adventure than at the very beginning with a mild curiosity in a junkyard. The first-ever episode of Doctor Who, AN UNEARTHLY CHILD... but episode one only!

Special thanks go to Mr Alister Pearson for the permission to use his cover painting commissioned for the 1990 BBC Video release and used for the reprint of the Doctor Who Target novelisation, AN UNEARTHLY CHILD by Terrance Dicks. Thank you, Alister!

Thanks also to both Brendan Jones (of Flight Through Entirety) and Clayton Hickman.  Your generosity and willingness to help New To Who has been so very much appreciated.

© all original music copyright New To Who 2016

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